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What if there was another take on the Trojan war, an untold, breathtaking adventure? Enter Medusa. Monstrous gorgon? Snakes for hair? A turn-to-stone glare? Perhaps. But she was there.
Beautiful Evil Things is a high-energy one-woman show from Ad Infinitum, combining physical storytelling with cut-throat wit. Coming hot on the heels of their multi award-winning hit Odyssey, this acerbically comic, thrilling and poignant show "brings tears to your eyes and raises your heart rate” (The Guardian).
The performance of Beautiful Evil Things at Hackney Empire will be BSL integrated and captioned, and is accessible to deaf, Deaf, hard of hearing and hearing audiences. Unlike traditional performance interpreting where a BSL interpreter stands to the side of the action, interpreter Kyra Pollitt joins Deborah Pugh (Co-Creator, Deviser, Performer & Co-Composer) onstage, weaving BSL interpretation into the action to create a seamless, immersive experience. State-of-the-art closed captioning screens ensure that audiences catch every line, character name, and sound effect.
Watch the video below to hear from Deborah Pugh about the inspiration behind the show.
What are audiences saying about Beautiful Evil Things?
"Literally the most enjoyable show I have ever seen!”
"Deborah and Kyra’s delivery was so engaging and the stories could have been yarns amongst mates down the pub. Integrated BSL interpretation is wicked!"
“Such an amazing show - we came to see it twice!”
“Fabulous show, one-woman tour de force”
"I’m still fizzing”
“Intense, charismatic, compelling, funny… so great to be immersed in those stories of heroic women”
Check out the video below to hear from more audiences who saw a recent BSL integrated performance of the show.
"Hair-raising, heart-quickening whirl of myths"
The Guardian
"Blistering, powerfully choreographed"
The Arts Desk
"Dynamic, illuminating and hugely entertaining"
The Scotsman
"We are captured heart and soul by the sheer force of energy on stage"
Theatre Weekly
Book now by clicking here or via the link below for Beautiful Evil Things on Tue 21 May.